8 Laws of Health

8 Laws of Health

The 8 laws of health, often called the 8 laws of life, are vital to a healthy and happy life. It is non-negotiable that they should be implemented daily.


1. Pure Air

Oxygen is the bodies main fuel source. Without enough of it the body will run into a multitude of issues. So make sure the air that you are breathing is top quality. Often people wake up tired because they aren't breathing in enough fresh air. You spend a third of your life in your bed, so crack open a window, and make sure there is nothing polluting the air you breathe like mold, chemicals etc.

pure air 

2. Exercise

The most powerful way to oxygenate the body is exercise. Take the time to exercise daily. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is the best you type you can do. It doesn't take much time out of your day at all, 15 minutes is enough. If you need to go easy on the joints, the exercise bike or swimming are great forms of exercise.

 man exercising

3. Sunshine

Sunshine is not the enemy, it is the doctor. It is important to get sunshine daily as it is vital for us to produce vitamin D which is vital for the absorption of calcium and all the minerals needed for strong bones. You can overdo the sunshine, the best amount is as much as you can get without burning. People with darker skin need up to 10x as much sun as people with lighter skin.

 girl in the sunshine

4. Temperence

Do not consume anything that will harm the body. Consume the good things in moderation. Be careful of things like refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, chemicals, mold, insecticides, herbicides and be careful of your emf exposure.

disgusting gluttonous man 

5. Rest

8 hours of sleep are not negotiable. Lack of sleep can cause many brain issues like alzheimers, dementia etc. It inhibits ones ability to retain information and just makes life a little less great. The best times to sleep are 8-4am, 9-5am, and 10-6am. The early hours are the most important. Sleep is vital for the regeneration and restoration of our brain and body for proper function.

 woman sleeping

6. Diet

A well rounded, high fibre, whole food diet is what god intended for us to eat. This includes your fruits, vegetable, legumes, nuts, seeds, wholegrains, healthy fats and oils.

variety of foods 

7. Water

Our body needs hydration. We lose almost 3 litres of water a day and so 3 litres must be replaced. About 2 litres can come from pure water and the rest from fruits and vegetables. Our digestive enzymes are made from water. We should not be drinking water with our meals but between our meals.


8. Trust in divine power

The last and also the best law, trust in the lord. He gave us water and the herbs we need to stay healthy. He also gave us the brain to discern right from wrong through, reason, intellect, and judgement.

divine book

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